Dear Floriano and Gasper

I waited to see various responses to answer your one solitary question.

My answer is that Sonia Gandhi is Congress women and the one who is talking to people will be contesting the elections pretty soon. In case Goa-Suraj or independent party is mushrooms than great. If not, our visit to Sonia may bear fruits.

What is lost if we make a contact with Sonia – she has best of both worlds in her brains and the magic moments she shared with her husband late Rajiv and his soft corner for Goa and Remo and take a leverage of this and place before us the important issues
that she can influence on her part.

Floriano I did not mean to undermine your Goa-Suraj party instead I professed that people have a golden opportunity to give your party a chance. I do this with e-mails to my close friends and families in Goa propagating about your party.

Feed back from Agnelo Pinheiro of date refers, as well as Joseph Rebello’s food for thought – Once upon a Time is attached. Please have a read.

Matanhy Saldanha whose views I also appreciate felt that there was a merit to see Sonia Gandhi.

I have deleted most of those e-mails addresses that came along with Matanhy Saldanha’s e-mail of 28 August and left a few whom I know.

I appreciate your point that some of our Goans like to go light; however I thought all of us are passionate about Goa of our Dreams to retain with us.

Thank you for  your feed back.



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