Dear Sirs /Madam,
With reference to the Emails as below, I would like to summarise what We Goans really need to do in order not to be extinct like the Mauritian Dodo, God forbid.!. First, we should Re-Educate the Goans both in Goa and the Goans in the wider World into BELIEVING that we, really were Annexed and not the notion of to the Freedom Fighters that we were LIBERATED from the erstwhile Portuguese only to fall prey to the Rampant Greed of Rape of Virgin Land and Woman folk alike, Plunder of hillsides and Beast alike by our so called MLA's, but to put in mildly, none other than Money Laundering Agents at that. Every other Goa State Govt , elected after 1961 has been acting and governing as though there was no tomorrow, so why you may ask to hive of Goa. For a reality CHECK, is not in the Interests of a Govt, to BE for The People, By the People and With the Wishes of the People ? So why is it then, we have in our Goa, types of Govt MLA's who think it is expedient to BUY the People, Far of OFF the People and at Best, to Without the Consent of the Vast majority of Goans of the Soil People ? Over the 48 yeras or so, every Goa State Assembly Govt (MLA's) that has come into being, has been Running to Mummy like spoiled Brat-es whenever something relating to Goa needs to be SORTED/Tackled Is this not a sign that we cannot take Control of Our Own destiny and we have to seek mother's Aid or Comfort to sort out party or other squabbles? Are we Really up to the JOB of Governing Ourselves when we have to start RUNNING to Mummy every time we have a cold or a sneeze or oil slick ? It is not too late to reverse this Trend, To Rule Or not To be Ruled by Goans, but we have to START today and not Tomorrow, because we have already wasted too much of our Yesterday's.away for the land sharks and others of that ilk. Let US therefore, put our Hands on Amchem Goenkarponnachem Caliz and Re-Educate the so called emancipated Masses, who though enlightened after 48 years, still need to be Evangelised more by OUR LOVE for Goa into Believing in OURelves not merely, to place OUR Lives solely in the hands of the MLA's, who are but the instruments of the Money Laundering Agents, but themselves, this then, is the Downturn of Freedom ? But, we must Strive to Re-educate the educated not to fall " prey " to false gods who will go around dishing out dirty (black money) Rs 5000/- apiece to get elected and this is where the Educated should Act, not like the UN-Educated or gullible of past times of men/women, but be more of an uprightness kinda of people? All is not lost yet, what Goa needs is truly God fearing , upright and decent of a people to lead Amchem Goem to Greener Pastures(not so with all that mining) and this then, it's the only way we can Redeem ourselves in the HOPE of being born Again in our Goenkarponn Hearts in order to Guide our Own DESTINY, not just being Annexed and resting on out past Laurels for all to See us as just as another Tourist destination on th eWorld map for Sun, Sand, Sea and for many now, the flesh trade of SEX, drugs and immorality. HowSAD really, OUR forefather/mothers would now turn in their Graves to see GOA going, Not to the Dogs, YES, so many stray dogs now out-numbering Humans, but it's own Graveyard of Despair ! Be REAL and LETS ACT Now to Save, not only our FAINT Goan Souls but the Biggest Prize of all, AMCHEM GOA, VIVA GOA, VIVA!!

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

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