The Ghantis who are clearing the tar balls in the beaches of Goa should be instructed to take and dump them in the front garden of Joaquim Alemao - that is the only way he may get the message that he needs to be serious about this issue.

And Bernardo,
We must be realistic. I sincerely don't believe that any other "umbrella" for Goa will solve the problem of the type of people who are rulling Goa.

If we had honest, strong people with vision and above all educated and with some ideals , we could resolve the problem of Goa within India.

For years now we have proved that we are not even capable of chosing a decent number of politicians to rule in Goa. Do you really think there is any chance at all we will get a different status for Goa? If we get Presidential rule , that will be enough to put things right.

If anyone is ready for action, let us start with fundamentals - start a campaign agaisnt corruption.


to clear it up by collecting the tar balls and burying them

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:50 AM, Bernado Colaco wrote:
There is no governance in Goa since 1961. Goa has been looted by the neo colonial rulers, the elected reps in Goa are mere puppets to the current rule. Billions have been taken from for development of other areas, our civilian airport and other areas have been occupied by outsiders. In short Goa has been stripped! Why do we need democracy to govern.? Can we not have an interim government under the auspices of the UN (the one who encouraged the invasion of Goa) to rule Goa. Or can we not live under one country two system like that of HK and Macau? In other words have our on mini constitution (only an excerpt) as below

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