Dear Mr Rebello
I am a bit puzzled by the e-mails you sent me, linked to this call for Goans to rule Goa. Who has been rulling Goa for the past 48 years? Aren't all our politicians, MPs, MLAs and the lot all pure local goans? Do you really believe Sonia Gandhi and the centre are that concerned and have nothing else to do but spend time trying to manipulated the everyday governance or rather the lack of it, in Goa? I don't think so.

The destruction of Goa, the disastrous policies , bad administration and corruption are all done by goans. We goans are the only ones to be blamed for the state of affairs in Goa. We are the ones who sell the land to developers, we are the ones who don't cultivate our agricultural lands, we are the ones who are so greedy that are trying to build horrific concrete jungles in every little corner of agricultural land and rice field, we are the ones who sell more and more land to the miners so that they can continue to expand and ruin our land, environment, water resources , pollute the rivers and so on, and finally we the goans are the ones who vote for the same gang of politicians, incompetent and corrupt as they are, over and over and over again.

In fact the only time there was some semblance of discipline and good governance was around 1999 I think for a few months when Goa was under President's rule (control of Central Govt.). That was the only time when Goa had a General in charge, and that General Raphael Jacob actually saved what ever is left of nature in Goa in the Western Ghats and national parks and so on, and there was no corruption as no one dared to even dream of corruption under the General's rule. If it wasn't for him, we would just have a desert instead of forests and rich biodiversity in the National Parks. There would not be any national parks, to start with. The miners are still furious with him to this day!

I agree that our electorate needs to be educated much before elections and it should not be difficult, as Goa is so small and only has about 350 villages out of which many are no longer populated. If dedicated goans really wanted to do something about it yes, that is one crucial thing to do but we need to be very clear about what do we mean by "educating the electorate". The second one is to have some decent and educated and dedicated people to stand for elections, people with some principles, ideology and clear policies and people who are articulate and with some knowledge. Otherwise, what is the point of educating the electorate? Also it is not very difficult to start some anti-corruption campaign in Goa. We can start in a small way and grow into a movement. All we need to start with is to have some Tshirts printed with anti-corruption slogans and than get people to wear those T shirts on a certain day and start the ball rolling. That will show the popular feeling about the corruption in Goa.

I personally think that what we need in Goa is President's rule again to clean up the mess and corruption, and bring some discipline, law and order to Goa, so that we have the time to educate the masses and search and prepare some decent politicians to fight future elections and have a moratorium on all constructions and new mining activity until some proper studies are done on the environmental and other impacts of those activities and give some incentives to people to start taking an interest in agriculture again.

And also, I hear many "let's act now" from many goans, but what does that mean in concrete terms - act how? act where? what is the concrete action plan to save Goa?

With best wishes
Carmen Miranda

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Joseph Rebello wrote:

Dear Sirs /Madam,
With reference to the Emails as below, I would like to summarise what We Goans really need to do in order not to be extinct like the Mauritian Dodo, God forbid.!. First, we should Re-Educate the Goans both in Goa and the Goans in the wider World into BELIEVING that we, really were Annexed and not the notion of to the Freedom Fighters that we were LIBERATED from the erstwhile Portuguese only to fall prey to the Rampant Greed of Rape of Virgin Land and Woman folk alike, Plunder of hillsides and Beast alike by our so called MLA's, but to put in mildly, none other than Money Laundering Agents at that.

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