Pork is general word. There are atleast three types of pork. First is 
Goo-Dukor, which was consumed by Christians in Goa. Then there is Raan-Dukor 
relished by Goan Hindus and Christians. Finally, the Farmed-Dukor in US, Europe 
etc and 5stars. There could be more?
Also need to separate Relishing from mass-consuming. Relishing is preferring 
pork even if lobster, fish, mutton, chicken or mushrooms are served. 
Consumption by many can be cost determined. Now, Raan-Dukor is illegal 
and Cumaos are replaced by septic tank toilets and Goo-Dukor may not be eating 
Goo. Yet 99 percent Hindus do not eat Goo-Dukor as a substitute.  May be less 
to do with hygiene and more with psychology.
RajendraFerdinando dos Reis Falcão: Because we all Goans relish Pork meat & 
pork sausages. Marshall Mendonsa: Pork and pork products are very popular in 
the North-east as well as inNepal. In fact, I was surprised to find the Hindus 
in Khatmandu, Nepalrelishing pork while I, a goan, was avoiding it for health 
reasons. Pork is also popular in south asian countries like Malaysia, 
Philippines, Thailand,Singapore, Vietnam etc. Almost all the 5 star hotels that 
I have stayed in, in all the five continents, invariably serve pork products 
for breakfast

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