I think people in uk have not tasted the real sorpotel. Goa is the origin of 
sorpotel and for sorpotel you need not head of the pig but certain part of the 
pig. we use liver. kidney,heart, inner linnings of the stomach, along with 
flesh without bones. all these are boiled first and cut into small bits and 
fried on the frying pan and then massala is added to it. When the meat is cut 
the piece should contain the skin part along with fat and the meat. Now a days 
the meat we get is bulky type and the meat separates the fat.albert

> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:08:14 +0000
> From: gabe.mene...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Portuguese Ghantis and Maharashtrian Pankles
> On 31 January 2011 00:13, Frederick Noronha <fredericknoro...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Was surprised to learn that Gabe reads every word that Albert writes,
> > and that Albert does lard-based scientific experiments in the
> > marketplace too! FN
> >
> RESPONSE: On a slow day, yes I do - there is after all, entertainment value;
> my wife makes excellent Sorpotel, follows a recipe from Chef Isidore Coelho
> - the Mangy maestro:-
> http://indianfood.about.com/od/cookbooks/gr/thechef.htm
> European Pork is pretty good stuff - even belly Pork here does not have
> oodles of fat! The Sorpotel aficionados make their Sorpotel here in the U.K.
> out of Pig's head, ear wax and all.
> -- 
> Gabe Menezes.

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