Rajendra Kakodkar:

Pork is general word. There are at least three types of pork. First is
Goo-Dukor, which was consumed by Christians in Goa . Then there is
Raan-Dukor relished by Goan Hindus and Christians. Finally, the Farmed-Dukor
in US, Europe etc and 5stars. There could be more.

Also need to separate Relishing from mass-consuming. Relishing is preferring
pork even if lobster, fish, mutton, chicken or mushrooms are served.
Consumption by many can be cost determined. Now, Raan-Dukor is illegal
and Cumaos are replaced by septic tank toilets and Goo-Dukor may not
be eating Goo. Yet 99 percent Hindus do not eat Goo-Dukor as a
substitute.  May be less to do with hygiene and more with psychology.


1.  Pigs are scavengers by nature like Vultures, Crows, Hyenas.

2.  In the absence of sewage system in Goa, pigs performed the task of
cleaning up nature’s waste. In many parts of India, even today, pigs perform
this task. The local villagers, most of whom are definitely not Christian,
consume these animals.

3.  Where there exists proper sewage system, pigs are reared and fed kitchen
waste and on farms are fed food which make them ready for the table.

4.  When I mentioned that hindus in Nepal relished pork, I used the word
Relished intentionally as alternative food as described by you was available
but pork was the preferred choice of many of the diners.

5.  It is my belief, and you may correct me if I am wrong, that even in Goa,
pork was never consumed daily but mainly on Sundays and festival days. The
staple diet of most goans (whether Hindu, Christian or Muslim) is niste ani
xit coddi. The Goan like the Bengali finds it difficult to imagine life
without his favourite niste and xit coddi.

6.  Pork is also a delicacy among the Mangaloreans and East Indians.

7.  Incidentally, in the Bible, the pig is described as an unclean animal.
Hence, the aversion of Jews and Muslims to pigs.

8.  Beef and pork are sources of cheap protein to disadvantaged sections of
society like dalits and tribals.



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