>> perfectly type safe.

Perfectly type safe but not perfectly reusable.

What If we slightly complicate the task?

Now is my code and I want to see on your code exampe (perfectly type safe 
but and perfectly reusable)

type Foo<K, V> interface {
  Get(key K) V
  Set(key K, val V)
func foo() (int, Foo<string, int>) {
  foo := &Foo<string, int>{}
  // ...
  foos := []Foo<K,V>{}
  // ...
  k := "London"
  // ...
  return 55, foo2(foos, 55, k)
// This code is type safe and reusable
foo2<K, V> (foos []Foo<K,V>, i int, key K) (V, Foo<K,V>) {
  foo := foos[i]
  return foo.Get(key), foo

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