>> You are not bringing anything new to the table here, except the attempt 
to insult my intelligence, apparently.
I do not have any claims to anyone personally.
I only defend my own point of view.


Also I don't love to see or use some (not my own) code which written like a 
If I cannot understand some code then this does not means that this code is 

But if I know that a some code has been written carelessly and can be 
written more diligently then it gives me a negative reaction on that work 
(if there was no reason to write it carelessly).

That is, write code once and and use it everywhere.
Or more precisely, write (high quality and reusable) code once and and use 
it everywhere (and give the possibility to use it to everyone).

The generics programming are very good suit for that.

In the simplest definition, *generic programming* is a style of computer 
programming <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming> in which 
algorithms are written in terms of types *to-be-specified-later* that are 
then *instantiated* when needed for specific types provided as parameters 

The term *generic programming *describes a programming paradigm whereby 
fundamental requirements on types are abstracted from across concrete 
examples of algorithms and data structures and formalised as concepts, with 
generic functions implemented in terms of these concepts, typically using 
language genericity mechanisms as described above.


I am sorry but here we discuss mostly about the advantages and 
disadvantages of the generic programming (of course, in Go language).
Here we do not discuss: How to coding in Go language without generic 
I think that it should be different topic with appropriate title.

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