On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 10:36 AM,  <ecstatic.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> But as Gofmt can ALREADY enforces this common coding style, and can be run
> at any time, including before committing code on the depots, why should it
> be enforced by the COMPILER too ?
> Really, that's the one particular engineer decision I regret. Just one. But
> that's a big one. Because sometimes, almost ENTIRE teams prefer the Allman
> style. That's not just a personal affair. All that because maybe 2 or 3
> languages designers have decided so, moreover to make it easy to
> automatically add the semi-colons.
> And it doesn't even work well, we are now force to put a useless comma after
> the last parameter of a function to be allowed to split the arguments on
> several lines. Please don't insult me by telling there wasn't any other
> possible solution.
> For instance, in Javascript, the semi-colon are also optional, but the
> compiler lets you use whatever coding style you want.

I'll note that there is a lot of discussion on the web about problems
with semicolons in Javascript.  When we were discussing the
possibility of a lexical semicolon insertion rule shortly after the Go
open source release, Javascript was considered to be an example of how
not to do it.

Historically speaking, gofmt came before lexical semicolon insertion.
The existence of gofmt made it possible to seriously consider lexical
semicolon insertion.  Implementing it did require, yes, that you must
put a comma after a parameter name in order to split a line and, yes,
that you must put the '{' on the same line as the function definition
or if/for/switch statement, etc.  We considered that to be an
acceptable drawback to get a simple rule, knowing that gofmt would
handle all such issues anyhow.


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