On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 1:24 AM Markus Heukelom
<markus.heuke...@gain.pro> wrote:
> Why not issue a poll on generics, was this ever done? (I could've missed it, 
> I  am only following Go ~2 years). While the community has a vote in 
> accepting/rejecting the current generics proposal, the community was never 
> (really) asked if generics is desired in the first place and especially what 
> the scope of generics should be. Is that correct?

I don't know of a poll specifically about generics.  But for the past
several years we've done a Go community survey, and every year there
is significant support for adding generics to the language.  For
example, although the results of the 2020 survey haven't been
assembled yet, you can see the results of the 2019 survey at
https://blog.golang.org/survey2019-results.  In that survey when asked
"Which critical language features do you need that are not available
in Go?", 25% of the survey takers answered the question, and of those
79% mentioned generics.  Previous years also showed support for adding
generics.  Of course this isn't definitive, since there was no clear
way for people they say that do not want generics.  But it's also not
definitive in a different direction, which is that by and large people
who don't currently use Go didn't take the survey, and probably some
of them would also want generics.

So while Go is not and never has been a poll-driven language, I think
it's reasonable to say that there is real support for adding generics.

> Another thought:  there are many popular, type-safe programming language with 
> generics already. So if you really need generics, there's plenty to pick 
> from. There's not that many  without, I can only name Go and C. So if 
> generics is added to Go there's far less choice to pick a modern type-safe 
> language that doesn't have generics. It's a feature that makes Go quite 
> special.

Actually, C does have generics, through the preprocessor macro
mechanism.  It's difficult to write, but it does provide the same kind
of functionality that would be available in Go if we added generics.
For example, here is a compile-time-type-safe vector implementation in



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