I'd like to second the notion that the argument "if you don't like them, 
don't use them," is an invalid argument.  Anyone who's been in the game for 
any length of time knows that more than we'd like, we're repairing someone 
else's code, as opposed to writing our own from scratch.  If there is a bad 
or confusing way to write Go code, then it will be written that way by 
some, and we'll all be forced to deal with it.

It seems to me that part of the reason that Go was ever even a necessary 
experiment was because these other languages were trying to appeal to as 
many use cases as possible, and the complexity and awkwardness of those 
languages - as well as their reliance on their programmers to know the 
"right way" to write in the language - are an unavoidable consequence of 
succumbing to that temptation. I would channel Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 
this: “Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But 
When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” 

I also think saying "If you want a Java-like experience, use Java" is not 
only not a personal attack, nor an exclusionary statement, it's a perfectly 
reasonable recommendation. Programming languages are not exclusivity clubs 
where if you use one, you're excluded from using another.  Using the right 
tool for the job is part of our profession.  But I think some people, 
myself included, find that easier to do when the tools don't all look and 
function the same way.  Having a programming language that is simple, 
clear, fast, and easy to maintain - even if it's considered not the right 
tool for the job in every case - is something that I think holds value to 
us. That might not be something that would be expressed very well in a 

On Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 6:57:47 PM UTC-5 ohir wrote:

> Artur Vianna> you can keep writing your standard Go as it never existed.
> L Godioleskky> those of us who want to ignore them can easily do so 
> Nope. You can neither pretend "it never existed" nor "ignore" no part of 
> the language.
> You as a programmer are supposed to read and *understand* a lot of other's 
> code
> before you will start to write your part.
> -- 
> Wojciech S. Czarnecki
> << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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