Michael W Thelen wrote:
For example, applying a substituion "a" -> "ab" would lead to an
infinite substitution if the string contained "a".

Hmm, never mind me, I guess I didn't read the rules very carefully...
this is precluded by the restriction that the string will never grow
larger than 255 characters during the process of applying the
substitutions.  Carry on!

Well, you could still say "a" -> "a"..

Anyways, I've another question, this is my first golf, so please be a little bit patient. I added a score (71) to the list, and then tried to upload my solution clicking on my nickname (dantie) and the link "no" below "Submitted". After submit solution, it said "Contest not ended" or sth. thelike. Does that mean "ok", or am I doing sth. wrong?

lg, daniel

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