Jon Watte wrote:
> Clearly not. That was just an example of where claims of scalability
> by a vendor, and actual scalability, as observed, differ, because it
> appears that some messages in this thread imply that we take the
> scalability of GAE for granted, rather than measure it ourselves.

I don't see where any message in this thread suggested you take
scalability of Goolge App Engine for granted.

> Right. There are a number of typical workloads that could be put into
> benchmarks to show that "when the workload is X, it will scale like
> Y."

I have hard time seeing how you can come up with a set of "typical"
workloads that would be applicable to more than a narrow set of
applications.  That's why I think you need to do your own testing and
not rely on someone elses.

Unfortuantely though any testing you could do now would quickly run
against the free preview limits.  With those limits imposed GAE is
just like a single PC, it doesn't scale.

> If nothing else, then the GAE people should have some internal
> benchmarks (or else how do they know enough to claim it will scale?)

I doubt they exist.  I think their faith in GAE's ability to scale
originally came from the fact that it's largely based on the same
technology that has allowed Google Search and other Google services to
scale.  So far it's worked, and allowed GAE to scale to its current
size.  GAE itself is in essence one big gaint app, the sum total of
all its applications.  Every application shares the same datastore,
the same servers, the same network infrastructure and they all need to
scale to handle every GAE application, not just the largest one.

My concerns about the fundamental ability of GAE to scale are mainly
with the one part of GAE is that apparently is new, the datastore
indexes.  I don't know enough about how they're updated, locked/
versioned to be sure that they can't cause unforseeable contention
problems.  Other than that, I'd be mainly concerned whether there
anything fundamental about my app that would prevent it from scaling
on GAE.

                              Ross Ridge

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