That would work well for a small amount of users. But what if my app
grows to like 5,000 emails? Your solution would definitely work well
at that point!

Do you maybe know of an external service that would allow me to set up
s/t to "broadcast" to many url's or is there another way that i'm

On Dec 18, 7:43 pm, Alexander Kojevnikov <>
> > Suppose one of the features I have on the App I'm creating, is the
> > ability for users to subscribe for certain "alerts."
> > 1. What would be the best way to implement this considering the
> > current features available on google app engine (and possibly other
> > free services)?
> There are two issues to consider:
>  * Calling send_mail() takes time, don't send too many emails in one
> request.
>  * If you send too many emails within a short period of time you will
> get a quota exceeded error, even if you don't reach your daily email
> quota.
> What I do in my app is the following:
>  * I ping a certain URL from an external box.
>  * The handler of that URL sends one pending email.
>  * Wait, rinse, repeat. Time to wait (in seconds) = 24 * 60 * 60 /
> daily_quota.
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