2008/12/19 MajorProgamming <sefira...@gmail.com>:
> Why is it "hard work", from my understanding it simply requires
> sending an email to X amount of people.
> I could probably set up a PHP script to do this rather quickly...

but that script is almost certainly hiding a lot of the complexity
(like the AppEngine API does)

 preparing and starting a message on its journey is a very small part.
Once the mail has passed from the application it needs to enter the a
mail queue (of some sort) and from there be sent on its way. That
involves looking up the relevent mail server and sending it on. But a
big part of it is dealing with when that server is down, or otherwise
unavailable, or simply refuses your email, you either need to queue it
and retry later, or send a bounce to the sender.

Another big issue once you start sending large quantities of messages
- you start getting tarpitted or otherwise blacklisted by mail
servers. Esp. relevent once you start sending 'system generated'
messages that are by nature repetitive - its quite easy for these to
trigger spam measures.

Also any service (elsewhere or appengine itself), that allowed easy
(and esp free) mass mailing would be ripe target for spammers

> The specific problem with Google App Engine is that there are
> excecution time / cpu limits (per request), and there are also email
> limits (2000 per day).
> On Dec 19, 5:33 am, Greg <g.fawc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 19, 1:00 pm, MajorProgamming <sefira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > 1. What would be the best way to implement this considering the
>> > current features available on google app engine (and possibly other
>> > free services)?
>> There are numerous (non-spam) mas mailing services, but no free ones
>> that I know of. Mass mailing is actually quite hard work, which is why
>> you have to pay for this. Unless you own a botnet of course...
> >


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