That's interesting you mention Erlang: I was working on building an
Erlang based App Cluster around the time when AppEngine was announced/
released.  You can achieve a much higher handlers/cpu or handlers/
memory density using Erlang because each handler is a green thread
with cheap context switching, each handler/process costs as little as
200 bytes of system memory, and system libraries can loaded once into
memory and shared between all apps because Erlang is a functional
programming language.  The thing that made me trade Erlang for
AppEngine was having access to BigTable.

AppEngine has numerous features (simple deployment, load balancing,
dynamic scalability), but the main benefit is access to a scalable
database; BigTable provides seamless multi-master database writes.  If
a developer has never considered the challenges of scaling database
write throughput, then they would not realize how much time AppEngine
will save them in designing and hosting a truly scalable web


On Sep 24, 9:59 pm, OvermindDL1 <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Tim Hoffman <> wrote:
> > There are some grains for truth, however he fails to detail the effort
> > you need to put in to build a moderatley reliable system let alone one
> > that can with stand
> > multiple failures.
> > That alone is worth the price of admission.
> > Try building a linux ha cluster with load balancing, failover and
> > replicated database.
> > Its not easy and requires a lot of expertise.
> > Even with all the tools in EC2 its not a simple task,
> > I personally don't have a problem with the non sql nature of the
> > environment , I only occasionally use SQL for things over the
> > last 10 years,
> I found the datastore pretty obvious to use, but then again mnasia is
> like it.  Ooo, that would be so rather awesome, and relatively easy
> for Google to implement, an Erlang back-end, I would use that in a
> heart-beat.  It would perform *very* well (better then Python,
> probably  not as fast as Java), and the programming style is
> *perfectly* designed for this, lots of little Actors with no
> interacting data except through the datastore, would be perfect.  :)
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