Second allowing resize of larger images.  Also, it'd be great to have
image optimization.  It's a given using ImageMagick or similar for a
web-based app that one has the option of both scaling, cropping, etc,
and compressing.  It wouldn't have to be more cutting-edge PNGCrush
type stuff just typical algorithms for JPEG compression and PNG
compression and indexing.  As it is now, there is the possibility of a
70% or more reduction in filesize for any images uploaded to
AppEngine, which can add up to a lot of bandwidth and download time.

And second/third/etc SSL/HTTPS support for sure.

On Oct 6, 10:09 am, Mike <> wrote:
> My top top issues are...
> 1) SSL/HTTPS Support on Google Apps 
> domains
> I couldn't agree more. This is a huge problem for people who want to
> develop real e-commerce applications. If Google wants to encourage and
> grow their paid AppEngine customers, being able to actually collect
> money from end users is a huge priority.
> I'm writing a fairly sophisticated e-Commerce store on AppEngine at
> the moment, but I'm having to use PayPal, which is far from ideal.
> 2) Allow resizing images that are bigger than 1 
> Mb
> Most average users are hard pressed enough to work out how to upload
> an image, let alone understand why/how to reduce the sizes of their
> images. The 1 MB limit hurts so much I've actually opted to remove it
> from my application rather than have to support people who don't know
> how to resize.

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