It would be nice if people could use some actual examples as to why
app engine is a joke. One problem with emails doesn't cut it. The time
limit has been discussed until we are all sick of it.

I am not convinced that Google has a lot of money making websites on
it (whether they make money through the hosting fees or the adsense

Next up I will go and figure out why I keep getting all these timeouts
in my logfile. I hope this isn't a case of a hosting provider
overloading their server.

For my two cents (slightly off topic);
No big company is using it exclusively for their website needs.
Bestbuy uses it for some very small part. The whitehouse? I wonder
what that is about.
Google also blocks GAE to quite a few countries yet points fingers at
the Chinese Govt. Why doesn't Google give Hillary the finger?

On Jan 12, 8:41 am, mateusz <> wrote:
> Standard servlet, sometimes work sometimes not throwing: "Request was
> aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your request." -
> I think it's when application is waken up from sleeping, but no
> pattern - strange;
> Another joke, when I am sending emails from appliacation, it's
> sometimes send sometimes NOT, without exceptions; if I send to google
> account - it's delivered in a second; when I send to other account
> (not gmail), I have to wait long time to be delivered;
> It's wasting time to think that you can use google app engine as
> production environment event for the smallest form based application.
> Do sth with it or close that business;
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