> 1) There are no data-intensive applications that do not at some point
> require batch processing.  No matter how clever you are in designing
> your application, at some point you will need to run a big query to
> calculate statistics, change the model, clean the data, etc.  If you
> haven't had to do this yet you haven't run your app long enough

yes, i do agree data-intensive applications very likely needs some
"data cleaning" tasks, and from times to times the model needs to be
updated. to do those 'data cleaning' and model updating tasks, similar
to your approaches, i use the techniques to split the large task into
multiple small tasks

> 2) Appengine *does* support batch processing.  It just does so in a
> very clunky and akward way:  the task queue.  You write a task that
> crunches some data, watches for when it gets near the 30s deadline,
> and then respawns itself to pick up where it left off.

ya, and task queue for me, is a queue, which enable periodic /
scheduled tasks to be executed, and can make my system to be more
asynchronized  (response to the users quickly and put some tasks into
the queue which can be executed later). i'm not sure how the task
queue makes batch processing becoming easy on GAE. (your approach is
also some kind of breaking a large task into small tasks, and those
smaller tasks can be executed directly without putting into a queue)
so for me, GAE is still not a platform suitable for 'batch processing'

> The question is not whether GAE supports batch processing - it does -
> it's just a question of how clumsy the API is.  It would be a lot less
> clumsy if the 30s limitation were removed.

as long as GAE post such limitations (30s for task in queue or 10s for
normal task) , i dont think GAE is intent for real batch processing
(all those techniques used by you and me are just some walk-around for
housekeeping tasks, but not the real service that can be provided to
general users)

- eric
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