Just because it has never happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. Web hosts
don't cram thousands of people onto the same box until they run out of
capacity. It's possible as App Engine grows, Google try will try to squeeze
as many apps onto a box as possible. If on average they're all only using 1%
of the CPU, surely putting 25 on the same CPU would be fine? Then what
happens if they all get a spike in traffic? It'd be hard to relocate them as
they're running, so more likely additional instances will be spun up.

I can't see Google locking out an entire "standard CPU"'s worth of capacity
for every running instance "just in case" there is a spike, so I think it's
absolutely possible (though not necessarily likely) that your app could be

On 22 May 2011 21:11, Brandon Wirtz <drak...@digerat.com> wrote:

> I am tempted to put up an app just to prove this doesn’t happen.  I have
> never seen my Instance get slow because of someone else’s.  What do you want
> for a test? Calculate pi? Hash a file?
> The variance I have seen between instances is in the +/- 2%  using the use
> ever last CPU bit I can in 6 seconds method.  Any variability I have had is
> a result of network/internet differences
> If you want to test this the logic goes
> i = 0
> Starttime = Now
> While ( Delta (Start time , Now) < 6000ms)
> {
> Do something complex that takes about 100ms
> i++
> }
> Print i
> Now go use another service to do 100k curls of the app and you will be able
> to see the variance in CPU

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