On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Danny Tuppeny <da...@tuppeny.com> wrote:
> On 22 May 2011 16:38, Anders <blabl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I'm most confused about in the new GAE price model is how much CPU
>> time each instance is given. For example if 20 instances are sharing the
>> same CPU in a GAE server simultaneously, does that mean that each instance
>> will only be given 1/20 of the CPU yet still be billed full price?!
> That's a good question. I presume the hardware has enough CPU power that it
> could handle instance "maxing out" a "standard CPU". However maybe that's a
> silly assumption. If in reality, your CPU usage could be quashed by other
> instances on the same hardware and you're still charged for an hour, then
> the price increase is even more of a rip-off. Would be interested to know
> the answer to this, so I can update my blog post! :O(

I think it's probably a pretty fair statement to say that for frontend
instances, CPU time is mostly irrelevant.

As an amateur economist, look at the price signaling from Azure,
Linode, Slicehost, Rackspace, Prgmr, and now Appengine.  They all
charge by RAM and wall-clock time, not CPU time.  EC2 (the eldest)
seems to be the only exception, and even their CPU time pricing is
fairly rudimentary (discrete levels).

This validates what I would expect as a technologist - most frontends
spend most of their time waiting while they shuttle data back and
forth between datastore, memcache, and other services.  It doesn't
take a lot of CPU to reformat data as HTML or JSON or whatnot.  Cloud
providers have a surplus of CPU and a shortage of RAM, so a
"sustainable" pricing model can ignore the former and must charge for
the later.


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