> On Feb 22, 2016, at 3:44 PM, 'Jon Parrott' via Google App Engine 
> <google-appengine@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Are there plans to port over NDB for datastore access on managed VMs?
> There is on-going discussion about NDB for Cloud Datastore here 
> <https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-python/issues/557#issuecomment-106952671>.
>  The tl;dr is that basically it's possible, it's planned, but its contingent 
> on the next release of the Cloud Datastore API and decoupling NDB from the 
> App Engine SDK.


> That being said, you can absolutely continue use NDB in Managed VMs by using 
> runtime: python-compat 
> <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/managed-vms/python/migrating-an-existing-app>.

Is that new? Last I looked I believe NDB was not supported. If I could suggest 
it would be helpful to use more specific terminology than Datastore on that 

> Is webapp2 going to be deprecated
> There are no present plans that I'm aware of to deprecate webapp2. Because 
> webapp2 is a WSGI-compliant web framework and is not itself tied to App 
> Engine, you can use it in Standard, Managed VMs, and pretty much anywhere 
> else. It'll continue to work everywhere WSGI works.

Sure - I currently use it on GCE as well just to not use two frameworks. But it 
is abandoned as far as I can tell - there are bugs that have not been addressed 
in years.

> It's also an open-source project and patches are always welcome.

I’m sorry, but that’s a little disingenuous. As far as I can tell there is _no_ 
activity on webapp2. I submitted a bug report that pointed to an exact line of 
code that needed to be changed but there was no response 
<https://code.google.com/archive/p/webapp-improved/issues/102>). It’s not clear 
that there is any process to submit patches (contributing on the website has no 
information - https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/#contribute 
<https://webapp-improved.appspot.com/#contribute>), there is no active mailing 
list / discussion forum, the bug tracker is just an archive on google code, and 
I can see no evidence that there is anyone other than a Google employee that 
can commit.

So - I’ll call your bluff. Tell me how to submit a patch for the issue I 
pointed to and I’ll happily do so.

Otherwise, please consider declaring that the project is abandoned and stop 
pointing people to webapp2 in App Engine documentation since it’s a dead end.


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