@joe, was 12 a typo?
I think you meant 21...

18 is the age where the maths in your brain is a maxmin, and it is around 21
for computing and programming.

@Oliver, WHAT!!! at the age of 10 I knew 4 langues well (Quick Basic,
Liberty Basic, HTML/javascript and robolab) and I still have a life. Knowing
a langue is the easy part of programming. To know how to manipulate logic
is something that you can't learn off a book. I like Liberty Basic alot, not
because it is a compiler and is slow, but because it is robust and very hard
to crash. I am like you, I am 17, very young. I wouldn't recommend you to
learn a langue (yet) because of portabilty, or speed, but rather to continue
working on a langue that you are familer with, and take that langue to
it's limits.

What I am meaning is, last year, I entered a comption called "Robocup Junior
Australia (http://www.robocupjunior.org.au/) Preimer Rescue devision". I
entered a robot running Liberty Basic to fowlow a line. Now, there are many
ways to fowlow a line, Most people you the Lego NXT. I used a webcam, a
nural network, wii motes and hand made motor driver assembly. From that I
have realy learnt two thins... 1. NEVER ever under any cirstames think that
MSDN has the answer to your api calls, 2. Computing is boring and you will
never achive something unless you chalange yourself.

Sry everyone for boring you with my past, but I think it needs to be said. I
now need to get back to studding for my end of school exams :(


ps. I can't beleave how much time I have wasted on studying for English
pps. Sry for my spelling... It gets bad sometimes.

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