Hi everyone,

Week 1 has concluded, and this is my report for this week.

1) What did I get done this week?


  *   Updated Makefile to include OpenMP dependencies
  *   Wrote multi-threaded test cases to ensure consistency of the program
  *   Wrote benchmarking script to measure speedup
  *   Implemented parallel support
  *   Drafted the PR of abovementioned changes [1]


  *   Investigated Segment library to support random access and write operations

2) What do I plan on doing next week?

The goal is to come out with a design for output-based modules. The next step 
is to finish the implementation for r.neighbor. Furthermore, I plan to 
investigate the thread-safety of Raster3D module for pthread implementation of 

3) Am I blocked on anything?

No, it has been good so far, but I hope to improve on my pace.


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