Hi everyone,

Week 2 has concluded, and this is my report for this week.

1) What did I get done this week?


  *   Address changes for the PR  [1] , e.g. to use a standard option "nprocs" 
will now be a parameter for users to indicate the number of threads


  *   Write test cases for parallel execution
  *   Drafted a PR alongside its implementation [2]


  *   Write new test cases for the modules [3]

2) What do I plan on doing next week?

I have managed to come up with a way to parallelize output-based modules like 
r.neighbor. The idea is to make use of a temporary segment file to allow 
threads to perform random write operations, which is not possible directly on 
compressed raster format file without using intermediate cache. With this 
design in mind, I intend to continue to parallelize similar modules next week. 
Also, there may be ideas in discussion to encapsulate a benchmarking framework 
possibly under grass.benchmark as this will be used repeatedly in the future to 
measure performance.

3) Am I blocked on anything?

No, it has been good so far.

Warmest regards,


[2] https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/1654
[3] https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/1663
[4] https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/1670

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