Hi everyone,

Week 3 has concluded, and this is my report for this week.

1) What did I get done this week?

Upon discussion with the mentors, we have decided to explore alternative 
designs to using Segment library as intermediate output buffer. Specifically, 
there are two designs in mind, one which simply increases the size of the 
buffer but does sequential I/O to fill and output from the buffer with 
intermediate parallel computation, and a more complicated one which tries to 
eliminate having the threads to wait for the I/O.

2) What do I plan on doing next week?
I plan to finalize the design by this week. [1]

3) Am I blocked on anything?

No, it has been good so far.

[1] https://github.com/aaronsms/grass

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

Warmest regards,


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