On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 02:49:55PM +0000, Job Snijders wrote:
> Dear Robert,
> Thank you for your questions.
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 02:43:38PM +0200, Robert Raszuk wrote:
> > I would like to raise three points in respect to this draft:
> > 


> > Point 3:
> > 
> > For inbound prefix limit the position if this should be pre or post
> > policy should be IMHO a local configuration decision. See if I decide
> > to keep full table in my Adj_RIB_In maybe just for BMP use no spec
> > should prevent that.  Maybe it would be worth to add this explicitly
> > to the draft in addition to listing those two measurement insertion
> > locations :)
> I agree that operators locally configure these limits and they
> themselves choose to use no limits, pre-, post-, or a combination of
> pre- + post- policy limits.
> This Internet-Draft seeks to document that both exist, and formulate
> things in such a way that when a vendor claims compliance with
> draft-sa-grow-maxprefix, they indicate to support all of outbound,
> pre-policy inbound, and post-policy inbound. A vendor could also
> indicate they only have support for "draft-sa-grow-maxprefix section 2.2
> type B", or only "type A".
> My recommendation to BGP implementers would be to implement all three
> types of prefix limits. My recommendation to operators is to configure
> both pre-policy and post-policy limits, as each limit has different
> advantages in context of Internet routing.

For BGP implementation having more then just one Loc-RIB implementing a
post-policy check is more comples and the result will depend on which of
the RIBs the count is done. For this reasons OpenBGPD only does pre-policy
inbound limits and until now nobody ever complained about that being not
good enough.

:wq Claudio

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