On 09/10/10 19:11, Axel Simon wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2010, at 18:23, John Obbele wrote:
>> Hi again !
>> On Sat, Oct 09, 2010 at 05:10:36PM +0200, Axel Simon wrote:
>>> Yes, that's the notion. mainGUI must be "__safe" because it will
>>> call back into Haskell land. Once a callback from the mainGUI thread
>>> is triggered and we're in Haskell land again, GC and all other
>>> Haskell threads will run.
>>> But I'm not that this explains why we see the space leak without -
>>> threaded. If your Haskell program does not run then it can't create
>>> garbage. If it runs, the GC will run.
>>> There is some C code that might behave differently, depending on
>>> weather we're in -threaded mode or not. I'll check.
>> @Axel, sorry to bother you with another tricky question but I've
>> played with pixbufs in a callback glib function (code attached),
>> and forcing the GC with System.Mem.performGC seems to be the only
>> way to avoid a memory issue, when compiled without any
>> '-threaded' option.
>> I'm really puzzled by this behaviour since it shows GHC runtime
>> would be able to clean the heap, but will not do it unless you
>> explicitly ask for.
> Ah, ok. Maybe it's because ghc optimizes the callback in a way that it
> doesn't allocate anything in the heap or not enough to trigger a GC.
> Mind you, if you allocate a 4MB image and only a 16-byte thunk within
> Haskell to point to it, it will take a long time until the Haskell
> heap is full so that a GC is triggered. If you use -threaded then ghc
> might do something else and generate more garbage.
> This is what just came to my mind. It might still have a deeper cause.

I haven't followed the thread in detail, but perhaps the difference 
you're seeing is because with -threaded, GHC does a full GC after a 
certain amount of idle time, by default 0.3s.  See the +RTS -I flag in 
the documentation:



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