Hi Axel, Andy,

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 09:56:00PM +0200, Axel Simon wrote:
> On Oct 23, 2010, at 20:41, Andy Stewart wrote:
> > I think this is have internal trick in GIO C code that will break if  
> > we use wrapNewGObject in fileEnumeratorNextFile
> >
> > But makeNewGObject always works, so let's keep makeNewGObject.

That's a practical solution ;)
But in C you should unref both the enumerator and its returned
files to avoid a memory leak, why not in Haskell ?

> If makeNewGObject works and wrapNewGObject does not, then  
> makeNewGObject is the correct one. makeNewGObject is used to wrap a  
> handle that is not new. As far as I understand this is the picture:
> function              refs held       action          refs held
> constructGObject      f               objectRefSink   H
> makeGObject           C               objectRef       C,H
> wrapGObject           C               none            H
> The first "refs held" column indicates if C holds a floating reference  
> (f) or a real reference (C). Then the "action" is performed on the  
> object and afterwards the reference counts are held by Haskell "H", by  
> the C object "C" or by both. wrapGObject does not do anything to the  
> reference count, it simply takes the C reference count "C" and uses it  
> from Haskell "H". All three functions will add an unrefGObject call as  
> finalizers, so that the "H" reference is returned when the ForeignPtr  
> is garbage-collected.

Yep, you got this right.

> So if something crashes because you've changed a "makeGObject" to a  
> "wrapGObject" then it must be that "makeGObject" was needed since the  
> C object expects that it still holds a reference to the object.

It could be, but if this was a problem with references, GLIB
would probably smoothly terminate the program after displaying
some error messages concerning ref/unref. It is not the case.

Andy got a plain segfault and my "runghc Segfault.hs" (although
Andy cannot reproduce it :( generated also some naughty backtrace.

But again, I am stubborn and may be completely wrong. So I need
to experiment more on this issue (like understanding why my
Segfault.hs run fine with Andy).


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