Hi Andy !

I've retested my preceding attached file (Segfault.hs) and it
still segfaults on my system :(

Are you sure it works on yours ? Even with 'ghc -threaded --make' ?

I also looked again at "fileEnumeratorNextFile". Keeping
"makeNewGObject" on the returned GFileInfo's effectively avoid
the segmentation fault in FileManager.hs, but does this not
create a leak, like for example if we toy with "directoryGetFileInfos":

[gio/demo/FileManager.hs: line ~47]
  -- Get file infos under specify directory.
  infos <- directoryGetFileInfos "/"
  replicateM_ 1000 $ do infos' <- directoryGetFileInfos "/"
                        mapM_ (print . fileInfoGetDisplayName) infos'


Now, even if it's a flaw, it's not a disaster since it becomes
visible only in extreme cases (when accessing more than 100k
files with GIO).


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