Too bad Walmart won't ship their books out of the USA.  They advertise great 
prices on some books.
  Brin Kendall

Melody Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is a small publication from (of all places) Dover Press, the people who 
make all those small craft-y books.
I bought one called " Charted Peasant Designs from Saxon Transylvania".
The front part of the book has a 3 page introduction to the contents of the 
items included, as well as photograhs of actual pieces .
There is also a bibliography and a map to show where the stiches and designs 
originated and travel to Transylvania and the time element.
He talkes aboutt he earlier work of the 12 th century Saxon women "precision of 
stitch,alike on both sides of the linen in pattern and clearness.'

Robin Netherton 
Editor, Medieval Clothing and Textiles
voice: (314) 439-1222 // fax: (314) 439-1666
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