I'm fairly sure it isn't medieval -- I can't think of an example which 
shows a short skirt over a long one, although it should be noted that 
*many* people making modern versions of medieval clothing wear them this 
way*.  I'd be very interested to hear if anyone on your other email 
lists come up with a medieval source for it.  There are some cases where 
long skirts are tucked up showing the undertunic skirts, but that's not 
the same thing.

The jewels at the hem might be something only seen with saints' 
clothing.  Not sure -- perhaps Robin will opine on this one.

*In fact, one time I saw a group of women put on their shifts, then a 
long skirt, then a short nylon petticoat over the skirt, then a short 
overtunic, the petticoat serving to stop the shorter overtunic from 
riding up on the long skirt.

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