--- Kimiko Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> few images of short over long skirts (long kirtle,
> with short gown skirt) 
> Kimiko Small

I see many images of short skirts over longer ones,
and every one is allegorical.

This doesn't count tucked-up skirts, like one of the
maidens in the St. Nicholas illumination you cite.

So, I suppose a tucked-up skirt later redrawn by one
of the many costume historians who didn't/don't "get
it" might show a short over long skirt arrangement not
on a Ste., Queen, Goddess, etc..

So, not "real", unless you were dressing for a real
Masque, like Drea's Queen of the Amazons on the
Elizabethan Costuming Page.

Ann in CT

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