On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:53 AM, Schaeffer, Astrida wrote:

> Sigh. Must reconstruct my thoughts, stupid e-mail program erased my message 
> when I hit "send". I hate Microsoft.
> Assuming the patterning isn't a matter of artistic license, I think this is a 
> combination of bias use of a woven stripe fabric, and piecework (constructing 
> fabric out of contrasting strips). Painted fabric wouldn't hold up well. 
> Piecework would have been in the craft vocabulary because of domestic 
> textiles and repair work, as well as to fill in missing corners during 
> garment construction (widening skirts, lengthening sleeves, etc.),
> If a tailor had striped fabric to work with, it isn't a stretch to see him 
> play around with the patterns that so easily pop up when moving one piece of 
> striped fabric around on top of another. Especially given the existing 
> patterning in contemporary architecture, tiles, etc. Chevrons, here we come! 
> My question is: how many of the striped garments depicted in the Codex are 
> diagonals as opposed to verticals and horizontals? 

That's one of the interesting things.  No vertical stripes at all that I can 
find.  Plenty of horizontal stripes of varying widths.  A fair sprinkling of 
the diagonals. (In both cases, sometimes on a particolored garment with half 
solid.)  A very few examples of chevron (zig-zag) designs.


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