A note on fitting corset muslins:

A hint I got several years ago - don't remember from where - was to 
create two strips out of heavy material - old jeans will do in a 
pinch.  Make them at least double thickness, and put a narrow bone of 
some sort along the edge fold.  Then put in grommets about every 
inch.  Make them longer than you think you'll need for any possible 
corset style you might ever make.  These can then be basted into a 
muslin so you can lace it up properly to check the fit, without 
having to put in grommets, try to pin it to fit (not happening), or 
making slits that then rip out after one fitting.  Once you have the 
fit, remove them and use them for the next corset muslin.

These have made corset making much easier!!


This is so useful, and it works well for other things that will be laced
too, like 14th/15th century fitted gowns. Pinning stuff closed just doesn't
give you a good impression of how it is working. I use an old gown opening
that I cut out of a dress I was adjusting, from the days before I started
doing hand sewn lacing holes. 

I'm another who recommends this.  I think I saw this hint here many many years 
ago and it has been a hand, and pin saver.  My hands just couldn't grip the 
fabric tight enough anymore to get the fit required with a corset.  It really 
takes no time to machine baste the strips on.  Whoever originally posted about 
this; Thanks!

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