There is actually a large and thriving historic costuming community. I just 
don't think they are represented on this list. With no insult intended for 
anyone, I think what is dying is this list rather than historic 
costuming/reenactment community. Of all of the people I know in my own 
costuming circle (that sounded rather self-important lol but you know what I 
meant), I think only 1 is on this list. There are others who I know as friends 
of friends or by seeing them posting on communities that are on this list (Like 
Susan Farmer and Kimiko), but for the most part, they are not represented here 
either. Some were and left for various reasons and now are active on other 

Though I have not been vocal for long stretches of time, I have been on this 
list for about 7 or 8 years. I know many of you have been around for much 
longer. And I am sure that this was once the best place for everyone to 
congregate and share and explore the topic together. But as technology has 
forward, email lists are a dying breed.


From: A. Thurman <>
Sent: Sun, August 7, 2011 4:23:32 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Where is everyone hanging out these days?
I don't think costuming is going out of style - far from it. Younger
people tend not to do historic costuming, but there does seem to be a
huge interest in sci-fi/anime character costuming (cosplay) and
events/mailing lists/other internet to match. Could be we're just not
seeing them here.

Allison T.

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