On 8/6/2011 5:23 PM, Beteena Paradise wrote:
No, it doesn't really work like that. All of my costuming friends on LJ, of
which there are many, post similar to a handwritten diary. So some days it is
about how they can't get a seam right and the next day it is about their cat or
whatever. (Some people have separate journals for personal and costuming, some
mix both into one). It is a diary not an "official" blog like, say, The Duchess
of Devonshire's Gossip Guide to the 18th Century or Perez Hilton or whatever.

Well, my observation is that on their personal blogs, people post whatever they want. Sometimes it is all related to a theme, sometimes not. The LiveJournal ones I have read are no different that the ones hosted by services other than LiveJournal. I do have to say that since what I look for is content, I am turned off by blogs that are how to do something costume related one day, and the blogger's struggles with how to fix their kitchen faucet another day.

All of us comment on each others diary posts both costume related and not. We
have a friends page which lists all of the posts our friends have made. It is a
very strong support system of like minded individuals.

That confirms that you and I want quite different things, which is fine. I'm not interested in strictly personal posts and feel no need for a "support system." Just on e-groups with consistent, targeted, substantive information on topics of interest to me.

We are basically agreeing here: Blogs, and comments on them, encourage different kinds of interaction than groups like h-costume.

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