> Though I have not been vocal for long stretches of time, I have been on this list for about 7 or 8 years. I know many of you have been around for much longer. And I am sure that this was once the best place for everyone to congregate and share and explore the topic together. But as technology has moved forward, email lists are a dying breed.


Yet, some noncostuming email lists I am on are so active, every single day, that there is no way I can follow all the messages. including a couple of majordomo lists.

Having worked in high-tech for many years, I also disagree with you that technological innovations are (a) always inherently better than the previous ones and (b) always replace the previous ones. In other words, I don't think change is inherently good. Or bad, but I don't believe we are marching ever forward toward a continuously better world.

I agree that fewer people post on h-costume, but let me put forth an idea. It is just harder to find majordomo groups than it is to find groups on a site with a search function. (For example, Yahoo has a search function, Facebook has one, and so on. H-costume is just hanging out there. ) This may well be the reason many of your friends are not on h-costume--they never heard of it. So, one idea is to just get on other groups and tell them about h-costume and how to sign up. That's how I joined h-costume to begin with--the moderator announced it on a vintage clothing email list.

Lavolta Press

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