On Tue, Mar 01, 2022 at 07:49:21AM -0800, Jeremy wrote:
> On 02/28/22 09:27PM, Dave Blanchard wrote:
> > On that note, regrettably it will be necessary for me to fork this project, 
> > if for no other reason than to properly comment it, so that its 
> > functionality can be understood and easily modified. It's a shame that such 
> > a nice little program is marred by its total lack of commentation, along 
> > with poorly chosen function and variable names. The use of tabs in the 
> > source code isn't particularly desirable either, IMO.
> There's probably a good argument to be made in favor of some other
> formatting style; you just need to make it.
> I felt similar regarding the commentation at first, but then I read
> through DVTM & found that what st was doing was self evident.
> > Overall, I like the 'suckless' initiative. I'm sick of all the bloat in the 
> > Linux world. My distro is built to be light weight, simple, and fast. 'st' 
> > is proving to be a nice addition, and a good starting point for building 
> > something even better. Looking forward to integrating more of your code 
> > into my system as I spend more time exploring your different projects, and 
> > the useful patches you've provided. Thanks for your work.
> > 
> If you really wanted to dab on st, you could have just
> - removed the `-l` argument
> - simplified ttywriteraw
> - suggested that st shouldn't be scheduling for modem lines
> - offer minicom as an alternative for those lead astray
> But clearly you're too retarded to make a decent critisism like that. ;)

Please don't use language like this here.

> Jeremy

Kind regards,

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