On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Eran Tromer wrote:

> On 2003/10/08 00:01, Raindel Shachar wrote:
> > And in what language is
> > http://www.haifux.org/index.html and
> I doubt *that* page (as opposed to http://www.haifux.org/) is of much
> use in this context. I don't see anything linking to it apart from the
> main Haifux page, nor do I see it come up in any obvious Google query.

  Reread the terms of the program. It doesn't have anything to do with
Google search. Google simply serves ads to pages you select based on the
content of the pages.

>  > [...] we could place the ads on the message pages in the
>  > linux-il archive at http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/archives/linux-il/
> I'm not sure Google will approve of this one -- they seem to be
> interested in proper "content" sites. Won't hurt to ask, though.

  I think the linux-il archives have a lot of very useful content for Google
to make relevant ads for.


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