On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

> After being encouraged (who was it who encouraged me to do that? can't
> remember) to translate my Linux Cables+Ethernet+PPTP with Israeli ISPs
> guide, I finally got around to doing it:
> http://tx.technion.ac.il/~eyalroz/linux_cable_pptp.html
> http://tx.technion.ac.il/~eyalroz/linux_cable_pptp_he.html
> It's just a pity that Mozilla 5ux0r5 so badly in rendering RTL lists.
> Commets and suggestions are welcome.

The rendering problem is because of this:
div#toc a {
        display: block

To fix the margins, just add "margin-right: 2em;" to the "ol,ul" style.


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