On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> Instructions out of your predicament (for future note):
> A. Copy the text into the clipboard.
> B. Run "LC_CTYPE=en_US kedit" (or whatever other editor that
>    supports clipboard).
> C. Paste the text there, and save it.
> D. Run "LC_CTYPE=he_UL kedit file"

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> Why not simply convert:
>   uniconv --encode ISO-8859-1 |iconv --decode ISO-8859-8

Thanks, guys.

But anything that's not built into the browser is too much work,
when all I want is to find out whether a web page is relevant.
And asking that browser developers should support "windows-1255
misinterpreted as Latin-1 and reencoded in UTF-8" is a bit too

One could use Tzafrir's idea if a browser allowed you to pipe
a particular page through a shell command and redisplay it
immediately. Do you know of a browser that allows this?

Otherwise, mental translation is the only practical solution,

Avoid monsters! -Ron.

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