On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

> >
> >   Use logical Hebrew with UTF-8 for the best results.
> In what sense are results for UTF-8 better than for Windows-1255 or ISO
> 8859-8-I?

  With UTF-8 you can easily manage additional languages (except Hebrew and
English) or symbols in the same page without resorting to tricks, and you
reduce to (almost) zero the chance the site will be viewed with a wrong

>   You will lose visitors
> > who are using NS4, but they should've upgraded by now.
> Most statistics I've seen say these are less than 1% of surfers. But,
> then, most statistics don't give Mozilla/Netscape more than 2-3%. And
> there's the question of what are the usage percentage among Linux
> users/enthusiasts.

  Support for NS4 is a pain in the a**, because it does not support CSS
correctly, not visual Hebrew. If you support NS4, you should either generate
a seperate version of the site for NS4 users, or have most users suffer from
using visual Hebrew.

  About Linux users/enthusiasts, most of us have upgraded our system since
Mozilla 0.9 was released, and those who have not can easily download and
install a modern version of Mozilla or Firebird.


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