On 07/04/12 13:29, Keith Edmunds wrote:
On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 13:19:22 +0100, hants...@http-420.co.uk said:

Thoughts?, suggestions?, general derision?, want to look at my cute dog?.
Thoughts: ensure that what you would like to do meets with what the client
wants. Don't impose a more technical solution upon them unless it meets a
need they have, and they will be able to support it (or pay someone to).

Suggestions: if you go ahead, this is reasonably straightforward to do for
those versions of Windows that support logging in via a domain (there are
always, it seems, some derivatives of each version of Windows that don't
support this). Again, if not all versions of Windows that the client has
will support domain logins, do they really want it at all? One way to find
out is to ask if they will pay to upgrade those more restrictive versions
of Windows.

General derision: your first paragraph would be improved with some
punctuation. You might know what you're trying to say, but it's your
readers who need to understand it. The product is "Windows", not
"windoze". God, if you must refer to him, is a proper noun and is thus
afforded a capital letter.

I hope the thoughts and suggestions are useful.
Thanks, I figured it was totally doable just wanted to throw it out for discussion/recommendation. Any recommendations?. I'd be the support/a bit of training for them it's fine. I'm not putting in something they don't need want - Just showing them that the £10000 quote they were given (and can't afford) is laughable!.

Also would M$ Windoze be more acceptable? (hey I used to work on Windows solely and would have happily told people to just buy SBS and get on with it. I learned too much working in M$ dev houses to ever recommend it as a 1st option).

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