I agree with Stuart I have had a lot of experiences of Linux users slating 
windows or calling it windozes and stupid names, And you are right it does make 
people unwelcome. Linux and windows both bring something unique to the table 
both have there pros and cons. linux for the server side and windows for the 
home. Linux will never be as big as windows for home use you only have to look 
at microsofts market share to see this. and hey if learning about Microsoft 
enables me to better my wages then so be it I will continue to learn and 
support both I wish people would not be so anal about linux yes it is more 
stable and yes it can be run on a variety of different hardware yes it can be a 
pain in the ass making the transition from windows to Nix, and it doesn't help 
when the majority of Linux communities are full of god like beings who expect 
you to be some kind of terminal / programming guru, Sometimes I don't want to 
spend days reading outdated documentation and guides on how to set up a domain 
controller why waste all that time when I can click one button in ms products. 
sure I've setup a dc the open source way but by the time a newbie like myself 
did it Microsoft would of broke that version of samba lol 

Sent from my iPhone

On 8 Apr 2012, at 11:19, "Stuart Sears" <stu...@sjsears.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 13:44:42 +0100, Bryn Jones wrote:
> [snip, hopefully without attribution errors]
>> Also would M$ Windoze be more acceptable?
> No, not really. It looks and sounds childish to me.
> Constant references to Microsoft and Windows like this (which often appear in 
> publicly searchable archives) just put non-Linux users off and make the Linux 
> community look like a bunch of childish nerds. The more I work with both 
> technologies, the more it seems these attitudes cause windows-centric people 
> who have expressed an interest in open source and Linux to feel unwelcome. 
> They just cause enmity and do "the cause" (if there is one) more harm than 
> good.
> If you want to encourage people to investigate Linux and open source as 
> viable alternatives to their current systems it's important to not treat them 
> like idiots or make them feel picked-on in some way.
> Just my 2p-worth. Don't take it personally, it's not intended that way.
>> (hey I used to work on Windows solely and would have happily
>> told people to just buy SBS and get on with it. I learned
>> too much working in M$ dev houses to ever
>> recommend it as a 1st option).
> "not recommending" is not the same as "calling silly names" :)
> Just sayin'.
> Stuart
> -- 
> Stuart Sears RHCA etc.
> "It's today!" said Piglet.
> "My favourite day," said Pooh.
> --
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