On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:53 AM, Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I see only one problem. So far no one invest time to create
> native MacOSX packages which will put Harbour binaries and
> libraries in the OS friendly directories using OS packaging
> system.

The problem is that in Mac OSX there are more arch combinations than
developers :)

For example yesterday I wanted to test the new gtk beta and I followed
the 1,2,3 steps suggested at http://www.gtk-osx.org, It installed like
a charm in perfect OSX style but they simply forgot to mention that it
was only for i386 arch.

Even worse Xcode builds it without any error but the executable simply
did nothing.
Only when I run it from the terminal I see the message "... wrong platform".

Then I read that "The recommended way to build GTK+ is to use jhbuild"
and I found that it simply download sources from svn and build them.
After a while I got a working gtk env.
Also macports the "standard" way to get 3rd party software simply
downloads and builds from source and install everything in

I know we don't agree here but I still think that creating binary
distributions of a multi platform, multi architecture open source
compiler are a waste of time.
I understand that an OpenOffice user don't want to know how to build
it but the knowledge required to build Harbour is the same necessary
to use it.

> Because shared linking it's a basic requirement in most of
> open source OS distributions and without it Harbour will never
> be accepted as default package in them.
> ..
> Without it I will have to recompile my applications for user
> host. I do not like such improvement ;-)

Shared library are simply a MUST. I moved Mac OSX status to "fully
supported development platform" in my company only last week after I
got them working.

The days of native executables are ended many years ago: both Java and
.Net use intermediate code.

The next most important feature for me are the HRLs the "hrb
libraries" and a way to package several hrbs and hrls into a zip and
execute it directly from hbrun.

> Lorenzo can you explain how you are able to use shared libraries
> in MacOSX.

I simply use hb-mkslib and set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH envvars to the dylibs path.

There is only one small fix in hb-mkslib to do. Here is a snap of the message:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> change -install_name parameter to:
>    ${CCPREFIX}libtool -dynamic -install_name "${BASE}${SLIB_EXT}" \
> Check if everything works correctly. If yes then please commit it.

Thanks it was it :)

Since today Mac OS X is a first class citizen in our company.

After that hbmk -n -shared hello.prg works without any problem.

best regards,
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