
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
BTW, I managed to build fancytxt using bcc 5.5 and it works with the same .dlls which failed so badly with mingw.

Application Internal Error - 
Terminated at: 2009.11.30 22:44:06
Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error:

I'll try to make a guess :) Force rebuilding of hbvm library and mingw will work. You get GPF in hb_strfree(). VM library was not rebuild because hbvmall.c is not touched.

I've also to make more test with mingw.

Try 1 (fully statical link):
I've tried to build sample using statically linked cairo. I've took static libraries from my mingw/msys cairo build: cairo-1.9.4/src/.libs/libcairo.a and pixman-0.17.2/pixman/.libs/libpixman-1.a and copied it to harbour/lib/win/mingw
  hbmk2 hellow.prg -lpixman-1
linked .exe successfully, but it produces strange output:
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Try 2 (dynamic single dll cairo library with mingw compiled .exe ):
I've took cairo-1.9.4/src/.libs/libcairo.dll.def and executed
  dlltool -d libcairo.dll.def -l libcairo.a
Copied this .a to harbour/lib/win/mingw and compiled executable:
  hbmk2 hellow.prg

It works!

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