Thanks for your response.

The drive mounts fine - initially. It gets a drive letter OK; I can open
'some' folders and view files OK; but when I try to COPY, I get file read
errors often enough to be a royal PITA. There is over 200 MB of files and
folders on that Cruzer. Easily more than 2,000 files in about 34 folders at
root level.

Admin tools is not the answer - I've B.T.D.T. ... W.N.

Doesn't matter whether I boot the USB COLD, WARM, or not at all between read
errors ... the damned thing has read errors after it mounts - the read
errors come and go, too. Sometimes I can copy an entire folder (including
sub folders), but if I try the exact same thing a second time, I may only
get half the directory or even none of it and then the entire devise goes
'inaccessible'. Sometimes, the mere act of opening a folder once immediately
after the drive is mounted is enough to  make the data unstable. Most of
this drive is Excel and Mathcad files along with raw data files - a
squirrelly bit anywhere cannot be tolerated.

I took a look at 'BadCopy', but there's no way to tell if the 'recovered'
files are corrupt or not. That's not good enough for me to open my wallet
for. Their demo mode is akin to going to a dealership, watching a video and
calling it a test drive before buying a car.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Analyst
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:47 AM
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] Crashing Cruzer Mini

On 9 Jun 2005 at 23:08, nobozoz wrote:

> Does anyone know how to get data off a crashing USB memory stick?
> The stick is sometimes recognized in WIN2K and when it is, I can see
> the basic directory structure, but I am unable to copy the files to my
> HDD due to a read error.

"BadCopy Pro" claims it can copy the files off the stick:

Also, your jump drive may not be mounting correctly because another device
is using the same drive letter as it has used in the past. The tell-tail
sign is supposed to be that the
jump drive will be visible in "Unplug or Eject Hardware", but its file
system will not visible in "My Computer".

You have to go into "Admin Tools" under "Computer Management" and use
"Storage" > "Disk Management" to re-assign the drive letter for the drive.

Another solution you might want to try is to insert the USB drive while the
computer is on, then reboot the machine and see if it's properly detected
when it restarts.


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