Excellent author and excellent series! However, nothing beats Niven for the magnitude of his imagination in the early years of his writing career.

CW wrote:

In the end (though a long way off, apparently) humans will have to accept we 
will always have a need for some sort of manifest destiny, and the need to 
spread ourselves across the galaxy in an effort to preserve existance.. of 
course, that's thousands of years off, apparently, but thought I'd note it ;)

(I always think that after reading some Orson Scott Card; finished the series 
again recently)

-----Original message-----
From: Christopher Fisk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 09:38:49 -0500
To: The Hardware List hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] Gas prices

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Eli Allen wrote:

Nuclear isn't that good.  Its non renewable so won't last very long.
I guess "very long" is subjective.


2.5 billion years or so worth of Uranium according to that study.

Basically, using heavy water reactors isn't a very efficient way of using uranium. If we switched to breeder reactors (not liked because it produces weapons grade plutonium) we would get more power and longer lasting uranium. We can also use Thrium, plutonium, etc for power generation.

Nuclear may no last "forever" but neither will fusion (the sun will burn out a few billion years). Not nearly as soon as oil though.

Christopher Fisk
Professor: While you were gone the Trotters held a news conference to announce that I was a jive sucker.

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